Before an injury even occurs, your employer must obtain workers’ compensation insurance or qualify to become self-insured. Additionally, employers must provide workers a workers’ compensation pamphlet explaining the employee’s rights and responsibilities. After an injury occurs, your employer must provide a workers’ compensation claim form to you within one working day. He or she must also return a completed form of the claim and forward the claim to the claims administrator within one working day of the receipt.
Employers must post the notice to employees poster in a conspicuous place at the work site. This poster provides information on workers compensation coverage and where to get medical treatment if needed. Failure to post this notice will result in a misdemeanor and a civil penalty of up to $7,000 per violation.
If you or a loved one has been injured at work it is important to protect your legal rights. Call (916) 922-9902 to speak with a California work injury attorney in Sacramento, Tom Johnson.